V sredo, 25. 11., je potekal webinar z naslovom New ideas for engaging students in reading inside and outside the classroom. Webinar, poln uporabnih idej tudi za čas pouka na daljavo, je izvedla Donatella Fitzgerald, odlična predavateljica založbe Pearson z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami. Za vse, ki se webinarja niste utegnili udeležiti, je na voljo posnetek, ki si ga še vedno lahko ogledate. "Many teachers ask how they can encourage students to read or to read more and more frequently. In this webinar the speaker will suggest some practical ideas and activities for encouraging students to read and how to make the most of Graded Readers. We will also illustrate how to use Extensive Reading as a springboard for communication and collaborative projects."
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December 2024